US Department of Defense
Total contributed to think tanks for all years available:
Think Tank | Donor | Min Amount |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | Secretary of Defense Corporate Fellows Program | 0 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Air Force | 0 |
Atlantic Council | US Department of Defense | 2,500,000 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Department of Defense (via Army Futures Command) | 0 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Department of Defense (via Army Strategic Studies Group) | 0 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Department of Defense (via Army War College) | 0 |
RAND | US Department of Defense (via Army) | 198,800,000 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Department of Defense (via China Aerospace Studies Institute) | 0 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Department of Defense (via Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) | 0 |
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | US Department of Defense (via Defense Threat Reduction Agency) | 25,000 |
Center for a New American Security | US Department of Defense (via Defense Threat Reduction Agency) | 350,000 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Department of Defense (via Defense Threat Reduction Agency) | 0 |
Stimson Center | US Department of Defense (via Defense Threat Reduction Agency) | 922,332 |
Brookings Institution | US Department of Defense (via Department of the Air Force) | 100,000 |
RAND | US Department of Defense (via Department of the Air Force) | 241,200,000 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Department of Defense (via Department of the Navy) | 0 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Department of Defense (via National Defense University) | 0 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation) | 0 |
Center for a New American Security | US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Office of Net Assessment) | 500,000 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Office of Net Assessment) | 0 |
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy) | 25,000 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Department of Defense (via Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) | 0 |
RAND | US Department of Defense (via Office of the US Secretary of Defense "and other national security agencies") | 332,800,000 |
Center for a New American Security | US Department of Defense (via Secretary of the Air Force Concepts Development and Management, Office of Commercial and Economic Analysis) | 1,000,000 |
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | US Department of Defense (via United States European Command) | 1,000,000 |
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | US Department of Defense (via United States Marine Corps) | 0 |
Center for a New American Security | US Department of Defense, US European Command, Russia Strategic Initiative (via Alion Science and Technology Corporation) | 100,000 |
Center for a New American Security | US Department of Defense, US European Command, Russia Strategic Initiative (via Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII), Inc.) | 50,000 |
Brookings Institution | US Marine Corps University | 100,000 |
Brookings Institution | US Air Force | 25,000 |
Center for a New American Security | US Air Force | 500,000 |
Stimson Center | US Department of Defense | 108,250 |
Brookings Institution | US Department of Defense (via Army) | 50,000 |
Stimson Center | US Department of Defense (via Department of the Navy) | 15,000 |
German Marshall Fund | US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy) | 10,000 |
Center for a New American Security | US Department of Defense (via United States European Command) | 25,000 |
Stimson Center | US Department of Defense (via Defense Technology Security Administration) | 81,613 |
Brookings Institution | US Department of Defense (via Department of the Army) | 100,000 |
Stimson Center | US Department of Defense (via National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) | 842,626 |
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | US Department of Defense (via United States Indo-Pacific Command) | 225,000 |
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | US European Command | 1,000,000 |
Atlantic Council | MIT Lincoln Laboratory | 125,000 |
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | The Naval Postgraduate School | 25,000 |
Atlantic Council | US Department of Defense (via Department of the Navy) | 25,000 |
Inter-American Dialogue | US Department of Defense (via National Defense University) | 1,000 |
Atlantic Council | US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Office of the Director of Net Assessment) | 100,000 |
Center for a New American Security | US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy) | 100,000 |
Stimson Center | US Department of Defense (via OUSD Policy Resource Management Office) | 100,718 |
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | US Department of Defense (via United States Air Force Academy) | 200,000 |
Atlantic Council | US Department of Defense (via United States Air Force) | 25,000 |
Atlantic Council | US Department of Defense (via United States Marine Corps) | 75,000 |
Inter-American Dialogue | US Southern Command | 1,000 |
Atlantic Council | US Department of Defense (via Army Future Studies Group) | 100,000 |
Brookings Institution | US Department of Defense (via Department of the Navy) | 25,000 |
Brookings Institution | US Department of Defense (via Minerva Research Initiative) | 25,000 |
Chicago Council on Global Affairs | US Department of Defense (via United States Navy, Federal Executive Fellowship) | 18,000 |
Atlantic Council | US Marine Corps University | 50,000 |