US Department of Defense

Total contributed to think tanks for all years available:


Think Tank Donor Min Amount
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Secretary of Defense Corporate Fellows Program 0
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Air Force 0
Atlantic Council US Department of Defense 2,500,000
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Department of Defense (via Army Futures Command) 0
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Department of Defense (via Army Strategic Studies Group) 0
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Department of Defense (via Army War College) 0
RAND US Department of Defense (via Army) 198,800,000
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Department of Defense (via China Aerospace Studies Institute) 0
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Department of Defense (via Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) 0
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace US Department of Defense (via Defense Threat Reduction Agency) 25,000
Center for a New American Security US Department of Defense (via Defense Threat Reduction Agency) 350,000
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Department of Defense (via Defense Threat Reduction Agency) 0
Stimson Center US Department of Defense (via Defense Threat Reduction Agency) 922,332
Brookings Institution US Department of Defense (via Department of the Air Force) 100,000
RAND US Department of Defense (via Department of the Air Force) 241,200,000
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Department of Defense (via Department of the Navy) 0
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Department of Defense (via National Defense University) 0
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation) 0
Center for a New American Security US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Office of Net Assessment) 500,000
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Office of Net Assessment) 0
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy) 25,000
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Department of Defense (via Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) 0
RAND US Department of Defense (via Office of the US Secretary of Defense "and other national security agencies") 332,800,000
Center for a New American Security US Department of Defense (via Secretary of the Air Force Concepts Development and Management, Office of Commercial and Economic Analysis) 1,000,000
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace US Department of Defense (via United States European Command) 1,000,000
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments US Department of Defense (via United States Marine Corps) 0
Center for a New American Security US Department of Defense, US European Command, Russia Strategic Initiative (via Alion Science and Technology Corporation) 100,000
Center for a New American Security US Department of Defense, US European Command, Russia Strategic Initiative (via Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII), Inc.) 50,000
Brookings Institution US Marine Corps University 100,000
Brookings Institution US Air Force 25,000
Center for a New American Security US Air Force 500,000
Stimson Center US Department of Defense 108,250
Brookings Institution US Department of Defense (via Army) 50,000
Stimson Center US Department of Defense (via Department of the Navy) 15,000
German Marshall Fund US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy) 10,000
Center for a New American Security US Department of Defense (via United States European Command) 25,000
Stimson Center US Department of Defense (via Defense Technology Security Administration) 81,613
Brookings Institution US Department of Defense (via Department of the Army) 100,000
Stimson Center US Department of Defense (via National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) 842,626
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace US Department of Defense (via United States Indo-Pacific Command) 225,000
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace US European Command 1,000,000
Atlantic Council MIT Lincoln Laboratory 125,000
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace The Naval Postgraduate School 25,000
Atlantic Council US Department of Defense (via Department of the Navy) 25,000
Inter-American Dialogue US Department of Defense (via National Defense University) 1,000
Atlantic Council US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Office of the Director of Net Assessment) 100,000
Center for a New American Security US Department of Defense (via Office of the Secretary of Defense, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy) 100,000
Stimson Center US Department of Defense (via OUSD Policy Resource Management Office) 100,718
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace US Department of Defense (via United States Air Force Academy) 200,000
Atlantic Council US Department of Defense (via United States Air Force) 25,000
Atlantic Council US Department of Defense (via United States Marine Corps) 75,000
Inter-American Dialogue US Southern Command 1,000
Atlantic Council US Department of Defense (via Army Future Studies Group) 100,000
Brookings Institution US Department of Defense (via Department of the Navy) 25,000
Brookings Institution US Department of Defense (via Minerva Research Initiative) 25,000
Chicago Council on Global Affairs US Department of Defense (via United States Navy, Federal Executive Fellowship) 18,000
Atlantic Council US Marine Corps University 50,000

Amounts in the table are the sum of all donations made by all donations made by all donors connected to the U.S. government, Pentagon contractors, or foreign governments. A full list of these donors and their specific contributions is available at the “Download the Data” button. The amounts shown here are minimum known amounts, as many think tanks only disclose funding in ranges (e.g. $250,001 to $500,000). Thus, the amounts shown are, in most cases, conservative estimates of the amount of money donated to think tanks. See our Methodology for more information.

∗ Not Accepted – Think tank published a donor roll and did not accept contributions from this category
† Not Available – Think tank did not publish a donor roll
§ Unknown Amount – Think tank did publish a donor roll but did not disclose amounts


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