Stimson Center

Minimum contributions received for all years available from

Foreign Governments


Minimum contributions received for all years available from

Pentagon Contractors


Minimum contributions received for all years available from

U.S. Government


Transparency Score


Total dollar amount of contributions accepted from the US government, Pentagon contractors, and foreign governments for all years available:


Donor Min Amount Type
Australia > Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia 89,991
Australia > Government of Australia 91,391
Australia > Permanent Mission to the UN, Australia 4,175
BAE Systems 10,000
Boeing 30,975
Boeing > Boeing (via Boeing Japan) 5,000
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation 297,428
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation > Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation (via Booz Allen Hamilton) 588,276
Canada > Canada Department of National Defence 36,006
Canada > Global Affairs Canada 1,037,631
Canada > Government of Canada 2,279,695
Finland > Finland Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) 54,984
Finland > Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) 59,000
Fujitsu 5,000
General Atomics 15,000
General Dynamics 3,000
Germany > Federal Republic of Germany 406,398
Ireland > Government of Ireland, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade 69,419
Japan > Embassy of Japan 235,454
Japan > Japan External Trade Organization 390,000
Japan > Ministry of Defense, Japan 121,742
Japan > Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan 31,600
Japan > National Security Secretariat of Japan 33,000
Kawasaki Heavy Industries 800
L3Harris 5,000
Leonardo 15,000
Leonardo > Leonardo (via Leonardo DRS) 115,479
Lockheed Martin 55,000
Lumen 70,720
Mitsubishi 85,600
Mitsubishi > Mitsubishi (via Mitsubishi Electric Corporation) 1,501
Mitsubishi > Mitsubishi (via Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America) 35,000
Mitsubishi > Mitsubishi (via Mitsubishi International Corporation) 8,000
Mitsubishi > Mitsubishi (via UFJ Research & Consulting Co) 6,734
NATO > NATO Communications and Information Agency 10,325
Netherlands > Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands 533,747
Northrop Grumman 52,500
Northrop Grumman > Northrup Grumman (via Northrop Grumman Japan) 5,000
Norway > Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway 1,383,012
Norway > Norwegian Institute of International Affairs 101,966
Peraton 75,000
Qatar > Embassy of Qatar 2,315,000
SAIC 64,750
South Korea > Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Chicago 500
South Korea > Embassy of South Korea 39,006
South Korea > Korea Foundation 195,055
South Korea > Korea Institute for National Unification 28,462
South Korea > Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control 205,000
South Korea > Ministry of Unification, South Korea 19,705
South Korea > Permanent Mission to the UN, South Korea 2,000
South Korea > Republic of Korea 4,000
Switzerland > Government of Switzerland 66,574
Switzerland > Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland 60,000
Switzerland > Swiss Confederation 20,000
Switzerland > Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) 40,714
Taiwan > International Cooperation and Development Fund, Taiwan 443,409
Taiwan > Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) 449,622
Textron 5,000
United Kingdom > Mission to the UN, United Kingdom 212,822
United Nations 50,000
United Nations > United Nations Department of Peace Operations 140,975
United Nations > United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research 66,600
United Nations > United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) 127,000
United Nations > United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) 94,691
United Nations > United Nations University 66,590
United States Institute of Peace > US Institute of Peace 60,627
US Department of Defense 108,250
US Department of Defense > US Department of Defense (via Defense Technology Security Administration) 81,613
US Department of Defense > US Department of Defense (via Defense Threat Reduction Agency) 922,332
US Department of Defense > US Department of Defense (via Department of the Navy) 15,000
US Department of Defense > US Department of Defense (via National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) 842,626
US Department of Defense > US Department of Defense (via OUSD Policy Resource Management Office) 100,718
US Department of Energy > National Nuclear Security Administration 3,778,806
US Department of Energy > Sandia National Laboratories 138,168
US Department of Energy > US Department of Energy (via Brookhaven National Laboratory) 58,148
US Department of Energy > US Department of Energy (via Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) 245,233
US Department of Energy > US Department of Energy (via Savannah River National Laboratory) 249,999
US Department of State 1,881,460
US Department of State > Department of State (via Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrance, and Stability) 160,000
US Intelligence Agencies > National Geospatial Intelligence Agency 100,010
Vietnam > Embassy of Vietnam 15,000

Amounts in the table are the sum of all donations made by all donations made by all donors connected to the U.S. government, Pentagon contractors, or foreign governments. A full list of these donors and their specific contributions is available at the “Download the Data” button. The amounts shown here are minimum known amounts, as many think tanks only disclose funding in ranges (e.g. $250,001 to $500,000). Thus, the amounts shown are, in most cases, conservative estimates of the amount of money donated to think tanks. See our Methodology for more information.

∗ Not Accepted – Think tank published a donor roll and did not accept contributions from this category
† Not Available – Think tank did not publish a donor roll
§ Unknown Amount – Think tank did publish a donor roll but did not disclose amounts


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