Minimum contributions received for all years available from

Foreign Governments


Minimum contributions received for all years available from

Pentagon Contractors


Minimum contributions received for all years available from

U.S. Government


Transparency Score


Total dollar amount of contributions accepted from the US government, Pentagon contractors, and foreign governments for all years available:


Donor Min Amount Type
Australia > Australia Department of Finance 300,000
Australia > Australia Department of Home Affairs 200,000
Australia > Department of Defense, Australia 400,000
Australia > National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia 100,000
Canada > Canada Department of National Defence 200,000
Canada > Public Services and Procurement Canada 300,000
European Union > Agency for Fundamental Rights, European Union 100,000
European Union > European Anti-Fraud Office, European Union 200,000
European Union > European Border and Coast Guard Agency 100,000
European Union > European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, European Union 200,000
European Union > European Commission (via Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology) 200,000
European Union > European Commission (via Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) 400,000
European Union > European Commission (via Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety) 400,000
European Union > European Commission (via Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers) 100,000
European Union > European Commission (via Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs) 400,000
European Union > European Commission (via Directorate-General for Research and Innovation) 100,000
European Union > European Commission (via Directorate-General for Trade) 200,000
European Union > European Commission (via Executive Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) 100,000
European Union > European Defense Agency 200,000
European Union > European Institute for Gender Equality 200,000
European Union > European Parliament 100,000
Germany > Federal Foreign Office, Germany 200,000
IBM > IBM (via Watson Health) 200,000
Iraq > Kurdistan Regional Government 100,000
Japan > Government of Japan 200,000
Japan > Ministry of Defense, Acquisition Technology & Logistics Agency, Japan 200,000
Japan > Ministry of Defense, Japan 100,000
Japan > Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan 100,000
MITRE Corporation 200,000
Mitsubishi > Mitsubishi (via Mitsubishi Research Institute) 200,000
NATO 300,000
Netherlands > Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands 100,000
Netherlands > MInistry of Health Welfare, and Sport, Netherlands 100,000
Netherlands > Ministry of Justice and Security, Netherlands 100,000
Netherlands > Research and Documentation Centre, Netherlands 300,000
Norway > Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway 100,000
Norway > Research Council of Norway 100,000
Qatar > Qatar Foundation 100,000
Qatar > Qatar Fund for Development 200,000
Saudi Arabia > Government of Saudi Arabia 300,000
South Korea > Korea Foundation 100,000
South Korea > Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs 200,000
South Korea > Korean Consulate General in Los Angeles 200,000
Taiwan > Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) 200,000
United Arab Emirates > Embassy of the UAE 200,000
United Arab Emirates > Government of Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority 200,000
United Kingdom > Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, United Kingdom 400,000
United Kingdom > Ministry of Defense, United Kingdom 400,000
United Kingdom > Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, United Kingdom 100,000
United Kingdom > Ministry of Justice, United Kingdom 100,000
United Kingdom > National Health Service England 100,000
United Kingdom > National Institute for Health Research, United Kingdom 400,000
United Kingdom > Public Health England 100,000
United Kingdom > Transport for London 100,000
United Kingdom > UK Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy 100,000
United Kingdom > UK Department for Education 100,000
United Kingdom > UK Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs 100,000
United Kingdom > UK Department for Transport 100,000
United Kingdom > UK Department for Work and Pensions 200,000
United Kingdom > UK Department of Health and Social Care 400,000
United Kingdom > UK Department of Transport, HS2 100,000
United Kingdom > UK Development, Concepts, and Doctrine Centre 300,000
United Kingdom > UK Economic and Social Research Council 100,000
United Kingdom > UK Home Office 400,000
United Kingdom > UK Research and Innovation 200,000
United Kingdom > UK Space Agency 100,000
United Nations > United Nations Development Programme 300,000
US Department of Defense > US Department of Defense (via Army) 198,800,000
US Department of Defense > US Department of Defense (via Department of the Air Force) 241,200,000
US Department of Defense > US Department of Defense (via Office of the US Secretary of Defense "and other national security agencies") 332,800,000
US Department of Health and Human Services > US Department of Health and Human Services "and related agencies" 305,900,000
US Department of Homeland Security 259,100,000
US government, "other" federal agencies 71,200,000

Amounts in the table are the sum of all donations made by all donations made by all donors connected to the U.S. government, Pentagon contractors, or foreign governments. A full list of these donors and their specific contributions is available at the “Download the Data” button. The amounts shown here are minimum known amounts, as many think tanks only disclose funding in ranges (e.g. $250,001 to $500,000). Thus, the amounts shown are, in most cases, conservative estimates of the amount of money donated to think tanks. See our Methodology for more information.

∗ Not Accepted – Think tank published a donor roll and did not accept contributions from this category
† Not Available – Think tank did not publish a donor roll
§ Unknown Amount – Think tank did publish a donor roll but did not disclose amounts


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